You now have the power tools to navigate your life. So, what is the secret to your best life? You have to answer two questions. Where am I going and who is going with me?

Great lives have a real mission and purpose. How do you find yours? Simple, use what you love to do and use it to help others. Do this for one hour a day for five years and you will be a national expert. Guaranteed.

For your dream companion write down 100 specific things about this perfect person. If you have the courage to do this something wonderful always happens.

Beautiful marriages have a common dream written down and agreed to by both. Each has the power to veto it.


There are five “BLUE ZONES” in the world where people live into their nineties and beyond with little or no disease.  One of them is Loma Linda, California.

Take a brisk hour walk every day.  It is great for your body and better for your brain.


We can erase our automatic old thinking and reprogram a new life with simple meditation.  It is simple and free.

To erase bad things from your brain write them down and how you honestly felt about each.  End each with one of these with:  Now I know —, now I understand — or now I realize —.  Our brain rewires itself, sets us free to win and it is free. 



Don’t Believe Everything You Think – Joseph Nguyen

Becoming Supernatural – Dr Joe Dispenza 

The Game Changers – Netflix

They Can’t Find Anything Wrong – Dr David C Clarke MD

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